Dermal Fillers
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Dermal Fillers Treatment Cost in Coimbatore
Aging is inevitable. However it is impossible to stop this natural process of aging, the advancements in medical science have made it possible to delay the various signs of aging. The appearance of static wrinkles is what gives a dull and aged look to the face and reduces its charm. Aging which is a process of two phenomena, first the gravity which makes it sag and second is loss of volume which makes the face look sunken and sometimes gives a sad appearance to the face. In the modern cosmetology, an array of non-surgical, anti-aging treatments now make it possible to treat static wrinkles and fine lines. Dermal filler is one such treatment which is an effective and safe way to treat static wrinkles and reverse the signs of aging as well as provide youthful appearance that too with a minimal downtime.
Our Service
- Face Surgeries
- Body & Chest
- Hair Treatment
- Laser Treatment
- Anti Aging
- Aesthetics

Dermal Fillers – Treat Static Wrinkles
Dermal Filler or soft tissue filler is the best way to rejuvenate your skin without going under the knife. It is a safe and effective method to gain youthful, plump and healthy skin.
Ideal Candidate
Men and women who want to improve their look by reducing static wrinkles, folds, and tired appearance or want to have a plump, hydrated look, they should consider fillers.
Most common areas treated by Dermal Fillers are:
- Plumping thin lips
- Adding volume to nasolabial folds or laugh lines
- Filling out depressions under the eye area
- Enhancing cheeks to give a lifted look (liquid facelift)
It is performed as an outpatient procedure. A dermal filler is an injectable solution that fills the soft tissue under the skin. Sometimes injecting fillers include anesthetics to improve the patient’s comfort and reduce the pain.
Possible Temporary Side Effects
Side effects are rare but mild redness, swelling, bruising or headache may occur. To reduce these effects cannulae are used and the chances of puncturing a blood vessel are minimized with the use of the cannula.
Confusion between dermal fillers and toxins.
Toxin is most often injected to treat dynamic wrinkles by stopping muscle movements or in lay man’s language it kind of freezes the expression. Fillers are used for the plumping, smoothening and to treat static wrinkles and folds. Both toxin and fillers work differently and treat different concerns but the combination can result in a remarkably younger-looking face. Your doctor would better guide you whether you need one of the two or both the procedures for an ideal outcome.
Patients may see the results immediately and these results last anywhere from eight months to two years