Covai Cosmetic Surgery


Best Liposuction Surgeon in Coimbatore - Liposuction Surgery Cost in Coimbatore


or now better termed as ‘Liposculpture’, which is a popular Cosmetic surgery to remove unwanted pockets of fat from the body. This fat is typically diet and exercise resistant. The areas of the body from which fat can be removed that includes tummy, upper back, lower back, thighs, waist, calves, double chin, arms, chests, buttocks, hips, flanks, love handles, saddlebags, ankles and very occasionally the face.

Liposuction surgery is an excellent procedure for sculpting of the body and precisely the reason that this procedure now enjoying its place as one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries across the world performed for shaping up the body. It comes as a relief for the people who have been pushing all their limits to get the curves they desire for or eliminating the curves that they do not want.

Liposuction in gurgaon is wrongly pipped as a weight reduction procedure. Although weight loss does definitely occur with removal of the significant amount of fat but to place it scientifically under the weight loss procedures would not be entirely correct.

There is much information available on the internet but consulting with a qualified Plastic Surgeon goes a long way in busting all the myths that are existing surround this procedure. Done by a trained Plastic Surgeon, it is one of the safest procedures in Cosmetic Surgery.
Dr. Sivakumar and most plastic Surgeons and liposuction doctors across the world believe that Liposuction surgery for Body shaping rather than weight loss.

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The procedure of Liposuction involves removal of Fat by a tube and a vacuum instrument. Tiny incisions are made in the hidden areas of the body to gain access to the areas which require fat removal. The most common method used to remove fat is the tumescent method of liposuction. In this method, a solution is infused into the body which contains numbing agents and also medicines that decrease the blood loss. Overall this increases the safety of the procedure tremendously and also decreases the pain.

Procedure Duration

The Procedure duration depends on the number of areas being treated in one session. Dr. Sivakumar is an expert in treating multiple areas of the body in one session. The safety of the patient is the highest priority and it depends from patient to patient that how many areas can be treated at once. The duration thus would be more for more than one area being treated because it will also involve changing the positions of the patient during the surgery.


Most often general anesthesia is used, although for very limited areas local anesthesia may resort.

Immediate Post-OP

A special body suit called a compression garment is put on soon after the procedure. It helps in reducing the swelling post-operatively and also helps in the shrinking and draping of the skin to give a better shape to the body.


For volumes upto 5L, the patients may be discharged on the very same day but for higher volume liposuction or liposuction done for weight loss, patients are recommended to stay in the hospital overnight for the monitoring purposes.

Possible Side Effects

Temporary bruising, swelling, numbness, soreness or burning sensations are the possible side effects patients may expect after the procedure.


Dr. Sivakumar encourages the patients to walk the same day of the surgery and start their normal routine as soon as possible. Patients join back their work sometimes even the next day but on an average, they are back to their routine within few days after the procedure and when they feel comfortable.


Performed in the hands of a trained Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon, the chances of complications become really very less. Otherwise, they may range from infection, asymmetry, rippling or looseness of the skin, pigmentation changes (hypo/hyper), injury to the skin, fluid retention and/or excessive loss of blood and fluids. The patients are encouraged to drink enough fluids and keep their energy levels high by intake of high protein diet.


The results of liposuction put forward as an improvement in body shape and body image which was not possible with strict diet and heavy exercises. The results will be maintained for long, if the person gains weight after liposuction they will typically be a larger size of the improved shape. Thus meaning that the change in shape is for good. It is important to mention that the results of liposuction will be maintained with the proper diet and regular exercise which should continue post-procedure. Liposuction surgery Coimbatore offers you with desired results.

*The results may vary person to person
